
After five weeks revisiting the memories of JUNTOS APARTE 2017 and 2019 along with our allies, the Virtual Channel JUNTOS APARTE 2020 invites you to a conversation with Spanish artists Avelino Sala and Jorge García, members of Equipo Sublime, and artist Mauricio Sánchez, Cúcuta’s Municipal Advisor of Plastic and Visual Arts. We will share their experience in Cúcuta and their vision about the potential of art for critical social intervention and citizen construction on the border.

This conversation will be the opening of the last stage of the Virtual Channel, which will consolidate in a permanent digital archive all the experience of JUNTOS APARTE and its contribution, through contemporary art, critical thinking and citizen participation, to the construction of a new story, a living memory of social reconciliation and binational integration on the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

Learn about the lines of action of JUNTOS APARTE to train talent, generate models of intervention and establish spaces of relationship that triangulate sensitive experience, exchange of knowledge and collective learning, bringing the artistic fact to users and communities with flexible methodologies adapted to the context. Emotion and knowledge make contemporary art the best ally for border coexistence in the chapter on Pedagogy and mediation.


We continue to be TOGETHER APART!

Canal Virtual JUNTOS APARTE 2020:
Memoria, frontera, integración.

Virtual Channel JUNTOS APARTE 2020:
Memory, Border, Integration

Este proyecto fue posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo de Estados Unidos a través de su Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). Los contenidos son responsabilidad de la Fundación EL PILAR y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de USAID o del gobierno de Estados Unidos.