
After the launch of the Virtual Channel JUNTOS APARTE 2020, the chapters Regional Creative Alliance and Citizen participation, Memory construction and Border narrative have allowed to know the horizon that contemporary art and critical thinking propose for the Colombian-Venezuelan border. We now invite you to know allied initiatives that, from different fronts of civil action, bet on a new horizon of citizenship and well-being for the region. Welcome to Binational civic intersection and Border integration.

We invite you to know allied initiatives that, from different fronts of civil action, bet on a new horizon of citizenship and well-being for the region. Welcome to Binational civic intersection and Border integration.

Join us on a journey through the actions and scenarios of JUNTOS APARTE focused on gender politics and the construction of a culture of peace. Historical memory, the scope from difference, resilience, and decoloniality emerge with transforming ideas, voices and gestures that shake up imaginaries and invigorate the capacity for agency of the boder society.


We continue to be TOGETHER APART!

Canal Virtual JUNTOS APARTE 2020:
Memoria, frontera, integración.

Virtual Channel JUNTOS APARTE 2020:
Memory, Border, Integration

Este proyecto fue posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo de Estados Unidos a través de su Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). Los contenidos son responsabilidad de la Fundación EL PILAR y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de USAID o del gobierno de Estados Unidos.